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INSA timetable information

Tel.: 0391 5363180

With the D-Ticket, you can travel throughout Germany on public transport for just €58 a month. Simply apply for the ticket here at insa.de and enjoy unlimited mobility month after month.


When. Where. What. Wherein.

Download the INSA app now for free

Can INSA and more.
Can order tickets online.
Can order a RufBus.
Can handle location and alarms.

INSA information by telephone

Do you have any questions about public transport, are you looking for connection information or would you like to know more about our services? Don't hesitate to give us a call. We will be happy to help you!

Our service number is: 0391 5363180(This service is currently only available in German).

INSA is also mein Takt

Please get on board. Mein Takt is our country's mobility brand and the umbrella for all measures to optimise regional transport. From better connections and more frequent services, to completely new lines and renovated stations, to affordable tickets and constantly updated INSA information.

All information, line and route maps, facts about discount tickets, ticket machines and service centres in Saxony-Anhalt:

Click here for Mein Takt