Fares in Saxony-Anhalt
On this page you can find out what fares apply on trains and buses in Saxony-Anhalt and what benefits are offered by the transport associations.
One ticket - all inclusive! This is the motto of the regional transport associations (Verkehrsverbünde). With your association ticket, you can use all suburban trains, regional trains, buses and trams in the selected fare zones and transfer easily between the modes of transport.
In Saxony-Anhalt there are the following transport associations:
- Mitteldeutscher Verkehrsverbund (MDV) and
- Magdeburger Regionalverkehrsverbund (Marego).
For trips originating and/or terminating outside the regional associations, the fares of the respective transport companies apply. If you want to change to a different line of a diferent company, you will usually need a new ticket. On regional trains, the "Deutschlandtarif" applies, regardless of the railway company. Exceptions apply only to some tourist railways.
Long-distance trains, such as ICE and IC, charge long-distance fares.
Sachsen-Anhalt-Ticket, Hopper-Ticket & Co: Our partner site mein-takt.de gives you tips on how to get around in Saxony-Anhalt and beyond. Just follow this link:
Did you know? The INSA journey planner knows the network and train fares and automatically shows you the best prices for your desired connection.

Marego association (Magdeburger Regionalverkehrsverbund)
The Marego area includes the capital of Saxony-Anhalt, Magdeburg, and the districts Börde, Jerichower Land and Salzlandkreis. Also included are the stations of Sandersleben (district Mansfeld-Südharz), Tangerhütte (district Stendal) and Nienhagen (district Harz), as well as Helmstedt and Wolfsburg.
Which marego tickets are available?
Marego offers a variety of fare products such as one-way tickets or season tickets for children and adults. Season tickets are also available on a subscription basis.
The Sachsen-Anhalt-Ticket and the Deutschland-Ticket are valid on all means of transport within the area of validity.
For more information, visit
(only in German)
MDV association (Mitteldeutscher Verkehrsverbund)
The MDV area includes the districts of Saalekreis, Burgenlandkreis, Nordsachsen, Leipziger Land, Altenburger Land and the cities of Halle (Saale) and Leipzig. There you can use all local trains, trams and buses with your MDV ticket.
In the MDV North area, your MDV ticket is only valid on regional trains (RB, RE and S-Bahn). This area includes the districts of Anhalt-Bitterfeld and Wittenberg as well as the city of Dessau-Roßlau. The town of Könnern in the Salzlandkreis district is also included. Trams and buses in MDV Nord are subject to the fares of the local transportation companies.
Further information at
Which MDV tickets are available?
The MDV offers various fare products as one-way tickets or season tickets for children and adults. Seasonal tickets are also available on a subscription basis.
The Sachsen-Anhalt-Ticket and the Deutschland-Ticket are accepted on all means of transportation within the area of validity.
For further information, visit